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Whether you’re in the market for goods or services, friendly Manistee businesses have it all! Shop for clothing, souvenirs, sports equipment or leisurely browse through art, collectibles and home decor. Looking for services while away from home? Manistee has you covered. Information on banks, repair shops, car repair, transportation services–it’s right here for your convenience. Need a haircut, desire a massage, or want to pamper your pet? You’ve found the right place.
Bell Sprouts Children’s Resale, 303 1st St., Manistee, MI, 49660, (231) 299-1388
Black Lotus Salon, 375 River St. Suite 202, Manistee, MI, 49660, (702) 460-8362
Jackpine Business Center, 76 Filer St., Manistee, MI, 49660, (231) 723-8344
Manistee County Blacker Airport, 2323 Airport Rd., Manistee, MI, 49660, (231) 723-4351
Northern Spice Company, 378 River St, Manistee, MI, 49660, (231) 299-7492
Three Peas in a Pod, 353 River St., Manistee, MI, 49660, (231) 299-1777
Wellnested, 429 River St., Manistee, MI 49660, (231) 299-1366
Planning a visit to the Manistee area? Have questions about your trip? Here’s where you can find help:
Contact the Manistee County Tourism Authority here:
Take one of the most scenic drives in the nation as you travel across M-22 in West Michigan. A long winding road of adventure awaits!
Beautiful color emerges come Fall. Take it all in with an afternoon drive, or stroll, through the many forests of West Michigan.
The Manistee Riverwalk follows the Manistee River from Jones Street, under the US-31 bridge, behind downtown, and ends at First Street beach.
Known as the “Two Lake Town”, Onekema is just 20 minutes from Manistee and provides a cozy escape from the everyday.
The Ramsdell Regional Center for the Arts is a cultural center in West Michigan and plays an integral part in Manistee’s history.
Winter in Manistee County includes great outdoor activities like skiing, snow shoeing, hiking, ice skating, and more.